2 min readMay 5, 2021

IGHT. So, well just our/ my “DAILY CHECK IN”. Ive decided to try and stop any sort of addiction and refrain from them in the future. My parents, some uncles/ aunts and some grandparents came to know and told me their point of views and gave some knowledge. They also didnt enforcE “ STOP EVERYTHING”! They said, whatever u chose to do , we will always be beside you. That was hella cool.

I still dont like u guys, i also unfollowed jeya on insta before a few days ( and made him unfollow me). Ive done that to almost everyone from lawrence, idk how i even have 600 followrs rn. I made everyone, who i think made me feel low or down or like a worthless piece of shit, unfollow me. That goes to u too jeya.

Yo, jaydeeep. Mann i honestly love you as my brother. But idk i just feel that theres alot of burden u are carrying which actually isnt alot, and cuz of that, idk how, youve got this massive ego subconsciouslly inside of you which pulls you lower and lower. I really hope u get to see this 10 years later man, if nbot, well, i do hope for the best for you and please know whatever you do, im sure you did what you thought was right. Man theres alot to live for. Hope we meet soon and fuck the fuck outta this world mann loll.

I hope yall different with higher spiritual knowledge and shit after 10 years yo, hope yall be da best versions of urselevs and hope im the same too. Wish the best for everyone.


